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Posted: 05 Jun 2006, 19:25
by moley
Root wrote:Two minutes is a heck of a time to hold a train - I imagine a member of staff must have been on your case within that time, not to mention the frustrated looks you must have received from other passengers.
Funny you should say that. The most annoying thing is that a one of the team ran through the barries up the long platform and got on on the train. The other one strolled along as if he had all the time in the world.

On an amusing point - whilst holding the doors once, an old chap come up to me and enquired if he could get on the train (as if I was a guard) - when I said yes, he commented about all the other doors already being closed - don't you just love some people :lol:

Oh yes, I should point out - Door holding is wrong, it should not be encouraged and I accept no responsibility for anyone who gets told off by a TfL employee for doing so :lol:

Posted: 05 Jun 2006, 22:48
by A2
On the subject of door holding I'm sure Ric (tpfkar) can tell a story about a certain SWT at Vauxhall on Z1C2006 day.

Posted: 06 Jun 2006, 08:56
by Going Underground
The same Z1 day we also delayed a SWT from Waterloo :)
Arriving from the Bakerloo line at 1601 and frantically looking at the boards for the next Vauxhall train...1603 hrs from platform 3, we are at platform 24... :?
So we run at our various speeds and Soup Dragon easily arrives first, as I get to the platform all the doors are closed except the one with his foot in.... our other team member and myself somehow manage to force our way in (not easy on SWT) followed by a suited city slicker...
The female staff member on the platform yelled out some abuse, mainly at the chap in the suit as we sneaked along the carriage :lol:

Congrats from across the pond

Posted: 08 Jun 2006, 03:40
by garda
Congrats to Steve and Sam for their record from across the pond. tami

Posted: 08 Jun 2006, 12:35
by Sam
Thanks Tami!

Hope you're well :)

Posted: 06 Sep 2006, 10:15
by tubeguru
Just to bump this topic up (because I can), have you heard back from Guinness regarding your new "record"?

Posted: 06 Sep 2006, 10:52
by Sam
Not yet.... but you know what Guinness are like! :roll:

Posted: 06 Sep 2006, 14:09
by hwolge
How confident do you (both) feel that the documentation you've submitted will be enough for Guinness? In particular:
* Did you manage witness statements at least once an hour all the way?
* Are these intelligeble?
* Do you worry that someone put down a "fake" phone number/mail address?
* Are the official timekeepers "independent enough"?
* Did they supply a report ("in their own words") as Guinness seems to imply necessary?
* Were enough time stamped photos taken?

Let's hope everything works out in your favour!

Posted: 06 Sep 2006, 14:22
by Sam
* Did you manage witness statements at least once an hour all the way? Pretty much at least once an hour I think
* Are these intelligeble? Errm, confusing words... Yeah they are readable if that's what you mean :?
* Do you worry that someone put down a "fake" phone number/mail address? There were a couple who refused to leave details which is a bit concerning
* Are the official timekeepers "independent enough"? I reckon so...
* Did they supply a report ("in their own words") as Guinness seems to imply necessary? Yeah they did supply a report, one is on headed note paper
* Were enough time stamped photos taken? We have quite a few photos

Overall, I hope and think that we did supply enough evidence, but we just have to play the waiting game now.

Steve may not agree with what I said but I am sure he will reply when he is next around! :)

Posted: 06 Sep 2006, 17:17
by dr_chris
I was an independent witness for the attempt and I have not received a single request from Guinness to verify the claim...

Posted: 06 Sep 2006, 17:20
by Going Underground
As the saying goes "don't hold your breath"

Posted: 06 Sep 2006, 17:22
by dr_chris
Perhaps it'll be necessary to go out there and whoop some tube butt to totally smash the record... and make sure i'm included this time!

Posted: 06 Sep 2006, 22:41
by Sam
Doing it on your own then Chris??? :P

Posted: 07 Sep 2006, 23:11
by dr_chris
Well if you don't fancy a world record, don't join me...

Posted: 07 Sep 2006, 23:23
by Sam
Errm, I already have one :D