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Re: Attempt 19 - 9th November 2012

Posted: 03 Dec 2012, 18:08
by palkanetoijala31
Sam wrote:Difference is, you post cryptic rubbish, which seems like you just want to show off about knowing stuff.

As for the R15 crap, yes I am well aware of the rubbish that is going on with that. Well, not that you've really told Matthew a lot other than trying to cause him more bloody stress than is needed to be honest.
hang on if im not allowed to publish the guys name how can i and 1 rule for 1 and 1 rule for another eh sam! i know lots of stuff and quite frankly the response i get a few times i wonder why i bother with the forum at all! :(

Re: Attempt 19 - 9th November 2012

Posted: 03 Dec 2012, 18:12
by tubeguru
palkanetoijala31 wrote:hang on if im not allowed to publish the guys name how can i
If you're "not allowed" to post his name, then have you considered not posting anything at all?

Posts which contain "I know something you don't" stuff tend to wind people up.

Re: Attempt 19 - 9th November 2012

Posted: 03 Dec 2012, 18:36
by palkanetoijala31
scrxisi wrote:I know this will get lost in allegations of bias, but if someone who doesn't want to be named on here does something, there are two approaches:

1) post "mr X" has just done something (or a post of this nature)
2) just don't post about it

All option 1 does is beg more questions which you then refuse to answer because "you can't" and everyone is left wondering why you even posted in the first place.

Option 2 is the winner here so you should add it to the list of things that you know, under "appropriate ways to deal with knowing something you are not allowed to divulge". And I mean that in the nicest possible way.
hence mr tubeguru im now actually fed up because no matter what i do someone will criticise me grammer wise no body gets on any body else case but mine and u wonder why i shout off sometime so many times on here its pretty much a case of bully andy!

in fact take me off this forum i revoke my registration!

Re: Attempt 19 - 9th November 2012

Posted: 03 Dec 2012, 19:19
by palkanetoijala31
scrxisi wrote:To coin a phrase: if you stop acting like a dickhead, no-one will call you one.

Don't leave, no-one wants that, but you gotta be prepared to take stick if you do things that wind people up over and over.
sorry what point have i just made if people get wound up by what i say then they are the people with the problem!i mentioned in the post if geoff wanted to conatct the person he might tell them of his attempt i didnt actually have to tell u about this reporter but i did it out of respect and kindness and i get stop causing u stress!

what about the stress people are causing me its plain and simple this forum is like many things in life human race is shit to each other!and im beginning to see that every day why bother being nice to other people as u good intentions get shot down in flames!

this is a fact i have now done 45 attempts i havent even bothered to write up the last 3 or 4 because of the way that everybody gets on my case i dont see it happening to other people eh this reporter wants to do a story on the tube challenge it was my idea to change from she originally had to actually meeting loads of other challengers who could give her a better and more rounded and obviously better story but eh nobody going to thank me are they!

Self less gestures that i do im helping those italians all day when they do it i have helped others to beat my and steve time but eh the way im feeling screw everyone at moment .

I have constantly said english written is not my strongest case i have suffered years of abuse from it now i get it near enough every day somebody else wanting to put me down so is it any wonder why i appear on this forum to be a little big headed shall i tell you why its because im trying to build myself up each time someone takes a shot at me.

I have no one to support me no one to say well done no one to hug me no one to love me (im trying to say this to people as in the fact look at me why am i fighting why if ur single u fight each and every day alone its more of a struggle)

this forum could be a lot nicer place if people stop criticising each other and perhaps i set an example of it here by getting off the forum or not perhaps if im not here people wont have someone to moan at im not sure what to say anymore except im going to the quiz to make myself happy :D

Re: Attempt 19 - 9th November 2012

Posted: 03 Dec 2012, 19:23
by tubeguru
OK, fair enough. Let's have an amnesty on grammar correction. I promise I won't say anything about it again, although most of my past "criticisms" have simply been me taking the piss (and often missing off the smileys that hopefully show that I'm not being deliberately nasty).

Re: Attempt 19 - 9th November 2012

Posted: 03 Dec 2012, 21:33
by jamesthegill
scrxisi wrote:Those who were unkind to me had never, and still haven't now, brought up their feelings with me personally, and that sucks.
You're a ginormous sasquatch of a man and that terrifies me. Is that personal enough for you? :P (Also, thanks for the Twitter DM with my ACC details - it was a nice touch, and appreciated.)

Re: Attempt 19 - 9th November 2012

Posted: 04 Dec 2012, 00:30
by palkanetoijala31
Bottom line: we all want to get along, or we should. No-one has a go at you for tube challenging or helping people or hiring a reporter. But they do have a go at you for things like regularly posting that you know something but you can't talk about it - come on, it's just silly. Your online persona is worlds apart from your real-life one; online you are in people's faces and you can rub people up the wrong way. In real life (to my face at least) you are a funny, normal, one of the lads kinda guy. No-one dislikes you, it's just that people have a tendancy to speak up when they are wound up.

that is my point when people get wound up they have a tendancy to speak up on line is a differant world and i think the internet has ruined a lot of conversation between people honestly but why do people get wound up about something written maybe there is a lesson in humanity for all of us.

i must admit i rub people up the wrong way but im not the only one and i dont see certain people get criticised for that it be nice to actually have a balance otherwise it does feel like andi against everyone else and when u put someone in that position (i mean by not criticising other people who could easily fall into same catergory sometimes) by constantly criticising everything he does of course u may think he is a dickhead but what he is doing is actually telling u some truths as well.

he comes out fighting and then gets on everybody nerves more but is humanity dead am i dead have i lost faith in whats right and wrong i like to think i have some faith in the forum i like to think i have some faith in people.

I like to tell the forum some truths here my iq is 148 above the standards of a normal person in mathematics and a lot higher than average yet i work as lowly pharmacist assistant i have to report to people and give them respect even though (without seeming obnoxious and too up myself) i actually every day have to come down to their level of thinking iq wise i have to waste what my brain can do because i cant write down what is in my mind (i use glen as an example he is a qualified pharmacist and obviously did the courses necessary to obtain his grade) imagine that someone whom has route knowledge timetables in his head can do 3 or 4 things at once can actually be a pharmacist but cant write it down in plain english so assessors are happy.can u imagine the frustration a person would feel when constantly being downgraded all their life (those of you know that former record holder sara wearn know that i tried my upmost in that relationship to get her out of debt gave her something to be proud of and really did try in that relationship but got really nothing back in return a lot of times.

now take anything i write down constantly being assessed picked apart grammar wise analyised (correct spelling?) i know something u dont am i meant to know that would offend people or am i just speaking my mind but not in a gr8 written form.

Take zone 1 day for instance last interchange for some reason at farringdon everybody got left behind on the run and if tangy hadnt got his time i was more than happy to say i came equal with the other 5 people.Apologies tangy i have twice taken two zone 1 victories off you but eh i have aided u to 2 world records so i suppose it makes me even! now if i remember nigel was one of those people in the 5 and he received a im off a certain person about me now to quote i wasnt happy about it but eh did the fact i was willing to give up a victory ever get mentioned no!

The fact of the matter is this i have grown so disillusioned by this forum constantly spiting at each other i feel the need to speak up about it im not the only one at fault we all are the moment we all admit that then the forum could be come a more happier place.

Now people either like me or dont and quite frankly i dont give a shit if u hate me but if u do hate me dont expect me to bite if u only on my case and nobody elses

Re: Attempt 19 - 9th November 2012

Posted: 04 Dec 2012, 01:45
by tractakid
I think the best approach is to see the good in people, while doing your best to tolerate the bad things about them. If a bad thing about someone becomes a problem, deal with it gently but honestly, using every ounce of wisdom and patience you have.

I think people should be more tolerant of each other on the forum.

I also think that criticism could be responded to better.

If I am criticised for whatever reason, no matter how severely, I think it is a good idea to take a step back and examine the criticism analytically, doing the best I can to see the extent of truth in the criticism, before responding calmly.

I also value highly the power of apologising and forgiving in abundance in keeping situations calm.

Re: Attempt 19 - 9th November 2012

Posted: 04 Dec 2012, 12:55
by tubeguru
scrxisi wrote:This is rolling on a bit much.
And with those words of wisdom, can we please return to the subject of the thread?

Re: Attempt 19 - 9th November 2012

Posted: 04 Dec 2012, 18:22
by palkanetoijala31
tubeguru wrote:
scrxisi wrote:This is rolling on a bit much.
And with those words of wisdom, can we please return to the subject of the thread?
yes i like to know why didnt u realise al the bus stop was not in operation they usually have a bag over the top and what prevented u from running the distance?

Re: Attempt 19 - 9th November 2012

Posted: 04 Dec 2012, 19:33
by al
The issue was that I didn't know in advance it was closed - I would have done something different if I had. I ended up running a lot of it, but just missed a train by 10 seconds.

Re: Attempt 19 - 9th November 2012

Posted: 04 Dec 2012, 20:12
by palkanetoijala31
al wrote:The issue was that I didn't know in advance it was closed - I would have done something different if I had. I ended up running a lot of it, but just missed a train by 10 seconds.
ah makes sense if u had got that 10 secs train do u think how many minutes would have come off ur time?

Re: Attempt 19 - 9th November 2012

Posted: 04 Dec 2012, 20:31
by al
About 20

Re: Attempt 19 - 9th November 2012

Posted: 04 Dec 2012, 20:35
by palkanetoijala31
al wrote:About 20
which ironically is ur next attempt!

Re: Attempt 19 - 9th November 2012

Posted: 17 May 2013, 11:28
by geofftech